I Turned $100 Into A Wealth Building Journey: My Story Of Failure and Successes
Investing is a process of trial and error. You don’t need to get it “right” at the start.
Investing is a process of trial and error. You don’t need to get it “right” at the start.
A couple of months after celebrating my 30th birthday, I celebrated a financial milestone that I didn’t think I would achieve by that age – having $100,000 saved up. I feel simultaneously proud and self-conscious writing about this milestone. Proud because it’s a pretty damn good achievement in my books. On the other hand, self-conscious…
This post comes after a lot of thought. Thoughts that I’ve mulled over for most of my twenties. Thoughts that have led to purchasing decisions, that have led to where I am today. The day after International Women’s Day, I was at a baby shower thrown for a heavily pregnant woman, who was a literal…
A common phrase I hear is “I want to invest in stocks but I don’t know how to start”. My usual reply to this is, “It’s not that hard to learn, just gotta start somewhere.” For a while, I felt like people just didn’t want to put in the time and effort to learn. After…
I would hazard a guess that most of us never thought about how our personalities could affect how we spend, save, and invest. But improving our personal finance game requires self-reflection. What fears cause us to spend too much money? How are we motivated to save money? To understand what compels us to spend or…
Today marks the one year anniversary of the day I left my corporate job and entered into self-employment. Recently, I’ve started calling this period a gap year instead. Sure, I did some independent work during my time off but I wasn’t exactly self-employed by the textbook definition. While I spent half the year working myself to…